Contribution of Information-Education-Communication in the adoption of Universal Health Coverage by the populations in the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa in 2020.


  • Nathalie Ambounda Ledaga
  • Robertine Mamche
  • Sylvain Honore Woromogo
  • Jesse Saint Saba Antaon
  • Fatou Sow Saar



Universal Health, Coverage, Central Africa


Aims: This study aims to assess the knowledge of people from Central Africa about Universal Health Coverage and show the contribution of Information-Education-Communication for its adoption.


Methods: a cross-sectional analytical study across 4 of 6 Central African Countries was conducted. Independent variables are sociodemographic characteristics. Dependent variables are knowledge about Information-Education-Communication and Universal Health Coverage. The questionnaire was disseminated by WhatsApp images or word file or copy/paste of the text and send to the contacted and trained focal points. From the Smartphone, the filmed or transferred data were entered into a CSpro 5.0 input form. Mean score calculations and Odd Ratio with 95 % Confidence Interval for p < 0.005 were used to make associations.


Results: the Universal Health Coverage had never been heard of by 56.3% of the participants. The Universal Health Coverage was defined as health insurance by (43.9%), free care (30.3%). Respondents with secondary and higher education are more likely to have heard of the UHC than respondents with no education or those with elementary education [OR = 2.95 (1.01-8.64), p = 0.021] and [OR = 4.27 (1.50 – 12.16), p = 0.002] respectively.


Conclusion: 9.3% of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) population is aware of the Universal Health Coverage; 89.4% of these accept universal health coverage in their country, and 87.4% of them think that the Information Education Communication could enable better adherence to the Universal Health Communication. Implemention of Universal Health Coverage for the general population and adoption of Information-Education-Communication to promote Universal Health Coverage and pool efforts and affiliation procedures in the CEMAC zone is very important


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How to Cite

Ledaga, N. A. ., Mamche , R. ., Woromogo , S. H. ., Saba Antaon, J. S. . and Saar , F. S. . (2021) “Contribution of Information-Education-Communication in the adoption of Universal Health Coverage by the populations in the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa in 2020”., South Eastern European Journal of Public Health (SEEJPH). doi: 10.11576/seejph-4477.